
Balancing Academic Success with a Vibrant Social Life

Balancing studies with a lively social life is a challenge many students face, particularly in a vibrant city like Durban. Known for its beautiful beaches, diverse cultures, and buzzing nightlife, Durban offers a plethora of distractions alongside academic responsibilities. Here are some practical tips  to help you manage your time effectively while enjoying everything this […]

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How to Stay Safe in Durban: Essential Safety Tips for Berea College Students

Durban, a vibrant coastal city in South Africa, offers an exciting and culturally rich experience for students. As a Berea College student embarking on this journey, ensuring your safety is of  paramount importance, be it via personal interactions, online activities, or exploring the city’s scenic beauty, these safety tips will help you enjoy your time

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The Unique Journey of a Distance Learning Student at Berea College

In the digital age, the landscape of education has undergone a profound transformation, offering students unprecedented flexibility and accessibility through online learning platforms. In this article, we look into the world of distance/online students at Berea College, exploring how they manage their studies, cope with obstacles, balancing them with their academic pursuits while juggling other

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Rediscovering Magic: Embracing the charm of Old School Board Games and Puzzles

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where screens dominate our leisure time, there is something undeniably nostalgic and comforting about the simplicity of old-school board games and puzzles. From the strategic maneuvers of chess to the rollercoaster of emotions in Monopoly, these timeless classics offer a welcome escape from the virtual realm. Picture this, gathered around

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Nine Tips for smooth coexistence with your roommate

Living with a roommate can be one of the most enriching experiences of your college years. It is a journey of shared spaces, mutual respect and creating a lifelong friendship. However, living with a roommate has its fair share of challenges. To ensure a harmonious coexistence we have compiled nine valuable tips tailored specifically for

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Making the Most of Your internship: Key for Success

Around 75% of college students engage in internships at some point during their academic journey _(https://hbr.org/2016/07/6-ways-to-make-the-most-of-your-internship). These experiences are invaluable, offering opportunities to develop skills, expand networks, and potentially secure full-time employment. However, internships can also present challenges, especially for those new to professional environments. Listed below is advice from academics and professionals across various

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Hiring Graduates: Beyond Education- Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Business

The landscape of hiring graduates can often feel like a maze, Each Candidates Curriculum Vitae (CV) blending into the next, with an oversupply of graduates applying for the same position. Selecting the right candidate for your business can at times feel like a shot in the dark. While education remains a critical aspect, it is

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Mastering the art of budgeting

Starting college marks a significant milestone in one’s life, but it also brings newfound responsibilities, especially in managing finances. For many students, this is their first encounter with financial independence, and this territory can be daunting. Fortunately, institutions like Berea Group of Colleges understand the challenges and want to empower you with essential budgeting skills.

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